Data Analyst - Internship from ( Atlantic group )

 About the Internship

Job Description:

The main mission of the trainee will be to analyze the data of the water heaters available (IoT data, experimental data and open source data) in order to inform the knowledge of our products and their uses. The ultimate goal is to evolve the functions of our products to better satisfy comfort and facilitate their use.

Duration: 6 months

Salary: Paid

Internship Requirements
  • Fresh grad of engineering (Mechanical/Electrical)
  1. Software

Ideally Power BI,  SQL, knowledge in programming (Python, R etc.)................................................................................................... 

  1. Languages

English and possibly french (work in collaboration with connectivity center of competence in France).......................................... 

  1. Qualifications

Good adaptability, strength of proposal, autonomy


About this Company

Founded in France in 1968 by two engineers, Paul Radat and Pierre Lamoure, our Group has a strong manufacturing culture as well as a mindset that focuses our strategy on people.

With an eye toward the future and backed by our experience, we have been able to evolve and grow by constantly expanding our skills.

Today, the GROUPE ATLANTIC is made up of eleven strategic and complementary brands that create thermal comfort solutions in four areas:

-Hot water
-Air conditioning

Apply here

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